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The Evolution of a Creationist

For years Dr. Martin wrestled with the conflicts between evolutionary theory and the Bible. As a scientist, he was sure he knew the answers. But then his faith, as a Christian, completely changed his life. In this video series, Dr. Martin will point out the distinct differences between evolution and creation. He will take a look at animals that break all the evolutionary 'rules'. He will examine the many problems with evolution and show why the Bible is an excellent source of science. Session 1: "Evolution or Creation... Does it Really Matter What We Believe?" (60 min) Session 2: "Fact or Fraud... Is Evolution Evolving?" (56 min) Session 3: "Cause or Coincidence... Did Earth Begin With a Purpose or Probablity?" (50 min) Session 4: "How Young is the Earth?" (65 min).gptfims.com
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  • Catégorie: film / Autres
  • Languages: FRENCH EN
  • Qualité: HDLIGHT
  • Date de sortie:
The Evolution of a Creationist
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