» » films » 15000000 Parachutes

15000000 Parachutes

The number in the title of this work, 15.000.000 Parachutes, refers to the population of Jakarta, Indonesia. It was estimated that around sixty percent of the 15.000.000 inhabitants were unemployed at the time of filming. Diaz Morales’s video is an allegory, telling the story of one man, a ‘parachutist’, as a metaphor for the plight of those unemployed. The cyclical structure of the narrative mirrors the cyclical life of an anonymous would-be worker. Each morning, the voiceover tells us, the parachutist wakes up, finds the taps at his sink do not work so washes his face in bath water and summons the courage to ‘attempt another jump’. These jumps are made from the national monument of Jakarta, Monas, an obelisk topped with a gold flame, which was built in the 1960s and 70s to symbolize Indonesia’s independence..gptfims.com
  • Genre:
  • Production(s):
  • Acteurs:
  • Catégorie: film / Autres
  • Languages: FRENCH EN
  • Qualité: HDLIGHT
  • Date de sortie:
15000000 Parachutes
  • 0
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